Friday, February 28, 2020

Lupine Publishers | The Possibility of Complex Treatment of Optic Nerve Atrophy based on Etiopathogenetic Approach using the New Classification of this Ophthalmopathology

Lupine Publishers | Open Access Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences


Application of treatment, differentiated based on the degree of functional changes and stages of atrophy, type of atrophy and nature of the lesion, significantly alters the effectiveness of treatment when compared to the isolated electropharmocological stimulation and even more so compared to the traditional medication method of treatment.
Keywords: New clinical classification and treatment of optic nerve atrophy
Abbrevations: ONA: Optic Nerve Atrophy; PONA: Partial Optic Nerve Atrophy


Optic nerve atrophy (ONA) is the end result of disease, intoxication, genetically determined abnormality or injury of retinal ganglion cells and/or their axons situated between the retina and the lateral geniculate bodies of the brain. The prevalence percentage of various optic nerve diseases in the eye disease hospital is approximately 1-1.5%, 19 to 26% of those cases resulting in complete atrophy of the optic nerve and incurable blindness. Causes of ONA are: diseases of retina and optic nerve (inflammation, dystrophy, including glaucomatic and involutional, poor circulation due to hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, etc., swelling, profuse bleeding, compression and damage of the optic nerve), diseases and injuries of the orbit, Central nervous system diseases (optic-chiasm leptomeningitis, abscesses and brain tumors with increased intracranial pressure, neurosyphilis, demyelinating disease, traumatic brain injury), intoxication with methyl alcohol, antibiotics (streptomycin, gentamicin), anti- malarial drugs (quinine, hingamin). ONA may be a component or sole manifestation of a number of hereditary diseases (congenital amaurosis, hereditary optic nerve atrophy, etc.) [1,2].
Table 1:Clinical Classification of the Partial Optic Nerve Atrophy.

Treatment of optic nerve atrophy is a very complex and difficult problem because of the extremely limited regenerative ability of the neural tissue. All depends on how widespread the degenerative process in the nerve fibers is and whether their viability is preserved. Some progress in the treatment of optic nerve atrophy has been achieved with the help of pathogenetically directed influences aimed to improve the viability of nervous tissue. The development of new methods of treatment of partial optic nerve atrophy (PONA) has greatly enhanced the possibility of rehabilitation of patients with this pathology. However, the abundance of methods in the absence of clear indications complicates the choice of a treatment plan in each individual case. [1,3,4,5,6,7] The analysis of literature on diagnosis and treatment of PONA showed lack of clear classification and the existence of various approaches to the assessment of the severity of the disease[2,8,9,10]. The following classification presented in Table 1 was used to determine the treatment plan [7,9]. The purpose of work. To create a method of optic nerve atrophy treatment differentiated depending on severity and other individual characteristics of the patient and to analyze the effect of the application of this technique.

Material and Methods

To treat the patients with partial atrophy of the optic nerve, we use the following methods. Infita-a low-frequency pulse physiotherapy device designed to expose the central nervous system (CNS) to low-frequency pulse electromagnetic field (without direct contact with the patient), which results in an improved central blood flow, saturation of blood with oxygen, and increased redox processes in the nervous tissue. It has as the following characteristics: no output signal - a triangular voltage pulse with negative polarity, pulse frequency 20 - 80 Hz (most frequently used 40 - 60 Hz), pulse duration of 3 ± 2 V, recommended number of procedures 12 - 15, starting with 5 minutes, increasing to 10 and then 12 minutes beginning with the fifth procedure and so on up to 12 treatments. Treatment method, hereinafter called the direct electropharmacological stimulation (EPS), includes installation of a soft PVC catheter into the retrobulbar space and a repeated inoculation of various medications through it into the retrobulbar space selected based on the etiopathogenesis of the atrophy. All patients were infused with a 10% solution of piracetam and exposed to electrical stimulation through a needle electrode inserted into the retrobulbar space through the catheter with the device "AMPLIPULS" 40 minutes later [11,12].
Also the following surgical methods can be used -ligation of the superficial temporal artery, implantation of a collagen sponge into the subtenon space, decompression of the optic nerve. In connection with the specifics of performing of surgical procedures in our clinic the technique of their execution is given below. Ligation of the superficial temporal artery. Local anesthesia - lidocaine 2.0 % subcutaneously. A 3 cm long skin incision is made 1 cm in front of the tragus. The tissue is bluntly separated. The superficial temporal artery is ligated with two stitches and overlaps between them. Albucidum powder is infused into the wound. The soft tissue is sutured with catgut suture. Silk sutures are placed on the skin. The wound is treated with a solution of brilliant green dye, aseptic sticker is placed. Implantation of a collagen sponge into the subtenon space. Local anesthesia - lidocaine 2,0 % subcutaneously and dicain 0,5 epibulbarly. A 5-6 mm long skin incision is made in the upper nasal quadrant 5-6 mm away from the limbus, parallel to the limbus. A tunnel is formed between the sclera and the capsule of tenon to the posterior pole using a spatula. An implant of a collagen sponge 10 - 8 mm long and 5 - 6 mm wide, pre-soaked with the solution of emoxipine (cortexin, retinalamin and other drugs or their combinations) is implanted into the tunnel closer to the optic nerve. The suture is placed on the conjunctiva and under the conjunctiva, followed by antibiotics and dexamethasone. After the implantation, antibiotics and a solution of diclofenac is applied locally for 5 - 7 days [13,14].
Decompression of the optic nerve is performed under general anesthesia. Blepharostat is used. An incision is made on the inner side of the conjunctiva. The internal straight muscle is sutured up in front the tendon and is clipped off. Three incisions of the scleral ring around the optic nerve are made. The solution of albucid is applied, and the muscle is locked in place. The suture is placed on the conjunctiva. Dixon and antibiotics are placed under the conjunctiva. The following scheme of treatment was suggested for the peripheral section of the optic nerve:
    i. Degree: Emoksipin + dexamethasone subcutaneously in the region of the mastoid process, mildronat + emoxipin subcutaneously in the temple region, vitamin B1 1,0, alternate vitamin B6 1.0 V/m with piracetam 5.0 V/m, low-frequency electromagnetic stimulation.
    ii. Degree: Catheterization of the retrobulbar space, direct EPS + long-term melioration: dexamethasone + emoksipin 2 times, piracetam (or other schemes depending on etiology), implantation of a collagen sponge with emoxipin into the subtenon space (ICS), piracetam 20,0 intravenously with physiological saline 200,0.
    iii. Degree: Catheterization of the retrobulbar space, direct EFS + piracetam, dexamethasone, emoksipin 2 times a day. Implantation of a collagen sponge with emoxipin into the subtenon space, ligation of the superficial temporal artery, piracetam 20,0 intravenously with physiological saline 200,0.
    iv. Degree: Step 1 - decompression of the optic nerve, step 2 or in case step 1 is not possible (severe somatic pathology) - catheterization + direct EFS, piracetam, dexamethasone, emoksipin 2 times retrobulbarly into the catheter. Ligation of the superficial temporal artery (if not done earlier). Implantation of a collagen sponge with emoxipin into the subtenon space, fenotropil tablets according to the treatment scheme, piracetam 20,0 intravenously with physiological saline 200,0.
Treatment scheme for the lesion of the central part of the visual pathway.
    a. Stage I: Glycine 1 tablet 3 times a day sublingually for one month, cavinton according to the treatment scheme, then phenotropil (tablets) according to the treatment scheme. "Infita” - percutaneous low-frequency electrical stimulation.
    b. Stage II: Cortexin intramuscularly No. 10. Trental intravenously in a physiological saline No. 5 (or aminophylline). Cerebrolysin intravenously No. 5. Glycine 1 tablet 3 times a day for one month. "Infita” low-frequency electrical stimulation.
    c. Stage III: Cortexin intramuscularly No. 10. Glycine sublingually 1 tablet 3 times a day for one month. Trental intravenously in a physiological saline No. 5 (or aminophylline). Cerebrolysin or actovegin intravenously No. 5. Piracetam 5,0 intramuscularly No. 10. Antiplatelet agents (aspirin, clopidogrel) if necessary.”Infita” - percutaneous low-frequency electrical stimulation.
    d. Stage IV: Cortexin intramuscularly No. 10.Emoxipin intramuscularly No. 10. Trental intravenously No. 5. Cerebrolysin or actovegin or solkoseril No. 10 Piracetam 5,0 intramuscularly No. 10. Antiplatelet agents (aspirin, clopidogrel) if necessary. Catheterization with direct EPS, dexamethasone, piracetam, emoksipin retrobulbarly into the catheter.
In case of total lesion of the visual pathway the elements of both treatment schemes of the corresponding stages are combined. To compare the effectiveness of different PONA treatment schemes three groups of patients were formed. The first group consisted of 358 patients (508 eyes) with optic atrophy of various etiology and pathogenesis, getting treatment, differentiated based on the stage, localization and duration of existence of atrophy. The second group consisted of patients who, regardless of the stage of atrophy, were subjected to a course of electropharmacological stimulation: 107 patients (152 eyes). The control group consisted of 77 patients (126 eyes) who received only medication treatment. The percentage composition of the main types of dystrophy in all three groups was similar.
The main study group consisted of 136 glaucoma patients (183 eyes), 81 patients (122 eyes) with the atrophy of vascular origin, post-inflammatory atrophy was observed in 51 (76 eyes), cerebral in 25 patients (50 eyes), traumatic 52 patients (52 eyes), toxic in 13 patients (25 eyes). The second group included 36 patients with glaucoma (46 eyes), 14 patients (38 eyes) with the atrophy of vascular origin, post-inflammatory atrophy was observed in 16 (24 eyes), cerebral in 5 patients (10 eyes), traumatic in 18 patients (18 eyes), toxic in 8 patients (16 eyes). The control group consisted of 24 patients with glaucoma (42 eyes), 21 patients (32 eyes) with the atrophy ofvascular origin, post-inflammatory atrophy was observed in 14 people (22 eyes), cerebral in 3 patients (6 eyes), traumatic in 8 patients (10 eyes), and toxic in 7 patients (14 eyes). Patients of this group were treated in a conservative manner: emoxipin with mildronate subcutaneously in the temple region, emoksipin with dexamethasone subcutaneously in the area of the mastoid process, taufon under the conjunctiva, piracetam intramuscularly. The result of the treatment of patients with partial atrophy of the optic nerve depending on the type of treatment can be seen in Tables 2 & 3.
Table 2:Results of treating patients with partial atrophy of the optic nerve.

Table 3:Results of treating patients with partial atrophy of the optic nerve.

Note: p<0.01, compared to the values before treatment.
No cases of deterioration were recorded.


Medication therapy combining medications which have various effects on the nervous tissue is effective only for the initial stages of atrophy of the optic nerve. Also, the use of non-invasive physiotherapeutic methods is effective in early stages. The use of direct electropharmacological stimulation is more reasonable for advanced stages, and surgical methods - for severe cases. The use of treatment, differentiated based on the degree of functional changes, the type of atrophy and the nature of the lesion, significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment compared to the isolated use of EPS and even more so compared to medical treatment.

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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Lupine Publishers | Novel Techniques for Improving Anti-Cancer Efficacy via Synergistic Phototherapy

Open Access Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences


Factors influencing the cancer therapy efficiency in both photothermal therapy (PTT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) using nanogold particles and photosensitizers, respectively, are analyzed. In PTT, heat diffusion kinetics is used to calculate the temperature increase resulted from the nanogold absorption of light energy, whereas photochemical kinetics is used to find the efficacy of PDT, or the generation rate of reactive oxygen species. Efficacy of cancer therapy may be enhanced by combining PTT and PDT either activated by one light or two lights. For maximum PTT/PDT synergistic efficacy, the concentration of photosensitizers and nanogold required optimization, besides the wavelength of the light matching the absorption peak of PS and nanogold, and the sequential order of PTT and PDT process. External supply of either photosensitizers or oxygen concentration will significantly improve the anti-cancer efficacy via type-II PDT. Optimization is required for maximum synergic efficacy.
Keywords:Photothermal Therapy; Optimal; Synergistic effect; Modeling; Heat diffusion; Photochemical kinetics
Abbrevations: PTT: Photothermal Therapy; PDT: Photodynamic Therapy; IND: Investigational New Drug; NRI: Near-Infrared; GNR: Gold Nanorod; PS: Photosensitizers; MB: Methylene Blue


Various methods/technologies have been investigated for the improvement of phototherapy of cancers, including nanomedicine, nano-particles and synergic method combining photothermal therapy (PTT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) using nanogold particles and photosensitizers, respectively [1-10]. Cancer or tumor cells death may be caused by photothermal ablation, mechanical damage, and increase in the localized drug concentration. Gold nanoparticles are promising agents for cancer therapy, drug carriers, photo-thermal agents and contrast agents. The U.S. FDA has approved numerous Investigational New Drug (IND) applications for nano-formulations, enabling clinical trials for breast, gynecological, solid tumor, lung, mesenchymal tissue, lymphoma, central nervous system and genito-urinary cancer treatments. Comparing to the visible light, near-infrared (NIR) light offers the advantages of larger absorption and scattering cross sections and much deeper penetration depth in tissues [5-8]. The red-shift of the absorption peak in nanorods is governed by the aspect ratio (defined by as the ratio of the length to the crosssectional diameter), whereas it is governed by the shell thickness in nanoshells [9].
Recent studies have shown that gold nanorods conjugated to antibodies [11-13] could be used for selective and efficient photothermal therapy. Lin et al. [4] proposed the use of a diode laser system having multiple wavelengths for more efficient treatment of cancer tumor. Overheating on the surface area of targeted tissues is always an issue to be overcome. In addition, the distribution of the gold nanorod (GNR) aspect ratios and their concentrations inside the cancer tissues or tumors are also difficult to be controlled for perfectly matching the laser peak absorption. To overcome the penetration issue, Lin et al proposed the use of a train-pulse to increase the volume temperature increase [4] which is particularly useful to larger volume tumors, unless an inserting fiber is used to deliver the laser energy. New synergistic treatment modalities combining PDT with PTT could overcome current limitations of PDT, thus achieving enhanced anticancer efficacy. To promote the tumor accumulation of photosensitizers (PS) and to generate heat for synergistic PDT/PTT [10], surface conjugation of PS on nanoparticles has been proposed, which however, has limitations including relatively low loading capacity and the possible leakage of PSs coupled on nanoparticle surfaces during their circulation in biological systems.
In this study, we will review the factors influencing the cancer therapy efficiency in both PTT and PDT using nanogold particles and photosensitizers, respectively. In PTT, heat diffusion kinetics is used to calculate the temperature increase resulted from the nanogold absorption of light energy, whereas photochemical kinetics is used to find the efficacy of PDT, or the generation rate of reactive oxygen species. Besides a review, the measured data of synergistic PDT/PTT [10] will be discussed. We will also present new optimal parameters for maximum PDT efficacy.

Methods and Discussions

The Modeling System

Figure 1: Combined PTT and PTT processes using various lights having wavelength from UV to IR with associate nanogold shapes and photosensitizer [2].

As shown in Figure 1, the tumor cells killing efficiency may be enhanced by combining PTT and PDT using two light sources (either lasers or LED sources), in which the treated tumor tissue is injected by both nanogold solution and photosensitizers [2]. Depending on the types of photosensitizers and the shapes of the nanogold, the light wavelengths matching the absorption may vary from UV, visible to near IR (NIR). For examples, nanosphere absorbs visible light (at 480-680 nm), nanotubes (700-900 nm), nanorod (700-2500 nm), and nanoshell (480-810 nm) [1]. As shown in Figure 1, the combined PTT and PTT processes using various lights having wavelength from UV to IR with associate nanogold shapes and photosensitizer. Photosensitizer riboflavin (B2), 5-ALA, methylene blue (MB) and indocyanine green absorb, respectively, light at wavelength of (365, 430nm), (530-670nm), (780-850nm), as shown by Figure 2 [1,10]. Therefore, a combined dual-function of PTT/PDT can be performed by: (i) an NIR light at NIR absorbed by gold nanorod and indocyanine green; or a visible light absorbed by gold nanosphere and 5-ALA; (b) two different lights having wavelength at NIR (for PTT) and UV to visible light (for PDT). For the case of one light for both PTT and PDT the simultaneously interacting with the nanogold and the photosensitizer is much more complex that that of the case of two different lights which can be treated independently. We will start with the simpler case, where PTT and PDT will be modelled by the heat diffusion equation and the kinetic equation, respectively, as follows.
Figure 2: Measured dT profiles for a fixed light fluence F=2.8 (W/cm2) with A=3.0 (solid curves) and 1.0 cm-1 (dash curve) [4].

The Temperature Increase in PTT

The temperature profile of the laser irradiated GNR solutions may be solved numerically by a heat diffusion equation given by [4]
where z is the laser propagation direction along the depth of the GNRs solution, k and K are, respectively, the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the solution, I is the laser intensity (or power density), B is the extinction coefficient, which can be expressed by B = [A(A + 2s)]1/2, where A and s are the absorption and scattering coefficient. In this study we will assume that the scattering is much smaller than the absorption, and B=A. We note that A is proportional to the product of the extinction coefficient and concentration of the GNRs.

Optimal conditions in PTT

The light source terms G(z) have an optimal value. By taking dG / dA (A = A *) = 0 ,one obtains the maximal G* = I / (zK) under the optimal condition A* = 1/ Z. The maximal G* is resulted from the competing function of A and exp(-Bz). The optimal A* also indicates that there is an optimal GNR concentration, C*, since A is proportional to C. Lin et al proposed a novel pulsed-train method (PTM) to overcome the surface overheating issue (in conventional CW mode) and improve the volume temperature increase which is required for large volume tumors [4]. In our laboratory test, we demonstrated that the temperature increase profiles (dT). Surface- dT about 100C by the pulsed train on-off technique such that the volume-dT (at z=5.0 mm) reaches about 80C, which cannot be achieved in CW mode operation without overheating the solution surface. In addition, higher laser intensity shows faster surface-dT rising profile and higher volume-dT inside the solution (Figure 2).
We note that the PTM along cannot increase the volume-dT to the desired value. One shall also require an optimal A value (say about 1.0cm-1 to 1.5cm-1) which may be controlled either by the GNRs concentration or by using specific off-resonance laser wavelengths. Moreover, the A-value cannot be too small (say <0.5 cm-1) which will require a longer time needed for a surface-dT reaching 10 0C. The novel features demonstrated in the above described also imply that cancer tumor having a dimension of 10x10mm can be treated using the PTM, but not by the conventional single pulse method Figure 2. Shows the measured surface and volume dT profiles for a fixed light fluence F=2.8 (W/cm2) with A=3.0 (solid curves) and 1.0cm-1 (dash curve), where the smaller A has higher volume temperature [4].
The in vivo situation in animal and/or human cancer therapy will be much more complex than the in vitro, simplified conditions described in above cancer cell model. These complexities shall include the non-uniform GNRs concentration in the tumor, the multi-layer normal-cancer tissue medium with multiple thermal parameters, and the blood flowing of the laser-targeted areas. In addition, the design of multiple-wavelengths laser system shall partially overcome the issues of GNRs non-uniform and multiple thermal medium for a 3-dimensional-therapy, in which various absorption penetration depths are available via the fiber-coupled multiple-wavelength laser simultaneously targeting the cancer tumors, The novel PTM and the laser system with auto-temperature control may provide useful tool for animal studies, where a fast temperature response time given by an IR camera may be integrated for real-time surface temperature monitoring.

The combined PTT/PDT efficacy

PDT process utilizes reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated through the reaction between photosensitizer (PS) and oxygen presented in tissues upon the irradiation of light to achieve effective treatment. The ROS is generated under a so-called type- II photochemical reaction which requires oxygen. In comparison, type-I process does not need oxygen and the triplet PS state can interact directly with the target for anti-cancer.
Using the same light for both the PS and nanogold interaction is much more complex than when two light with different wavelengths are absorbed respectively by the PS and nanogold, in which the PTT and PDT can be treated independently. Combining PTT and PDT using a single light, the kinetic equations of the light intensity I(z,t), the PS concentration C(z,t) and oxygen concentration, [3O2] =Y, are given by [3]
Where b=aqI (z, t), UV intensity I (z, t) in mW/cm2; q is the PS triplet state [T] quantum yield; g = ( Kg k3) [A]Go ; K =1/(1+C + 0.65[ A]), G = CYG0 , with G0 = 1/(Y+k) k= k5l/+(kil//,[A]. The oxygen supply term is given by P= POY/fo] ), [O0] being the initial oxygen concentration. Parameter (N=10) is added to fit the measured data of oxygen time- profiles3. s=s1+s2 with s1 and s2 are the fraction of [3O2] interacting with [T] to produce singlet oxygen (in type-II) and other ROS (in type-I), respectively. In Eq. (2.c), we have defined a new effective coefficientA’(z,t)=2.3[(a-b)C(z,t)+bC_0+A+Q], a'=ap with p being the quantum yield for triplet PS state; Q is the tissue absorption coefficient without nanogold or PS; A is the absorption constant of the nanogold; a and b are the extinction coefficient of the PS and the photolysis product having an concentration C(z,t) with initial value C0. Eq. (2.b) also includes the light intensity reduction due to the absorption by nanogold via the exp(-Az) term of Eq. (1.b) when the same light is used for both PTT and PDT. We note that stronger PTT (or larger Az) produces higher temperature, which however, also reduces the available light intensity for PDT. Therefore, there is an optimal condition depending upon either PTT or PDT will be the dominated process for optimal clinical outcomes.

Optimal efficacy in PDT

For the PDT dominant case, both type-I and type-II reactions occur in the photochemical reaction. The kinetic equation of the the photoinitiation rate for type-I (R1) process and type-II (R2) generation of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) is given by The anti-cancer efficacy is related to the S-function by Ceff=1-exp(-S), where S1 (for type-I) and S2 (for type-II) are given by [3]
Eq. (2) and (3) can be solved only numerically. For the case for PDT only, or when PTT is neglected, the Az term in A’ of Eq. (2.c) can be neglected. We have numerically showed that S1 has an optimal z*, whereas S2 is a decreasing function of z, and achieves a steady state in time. It was reported that type-II, or S2, is the predominant process for anti-cancer, which is governed by the oxygen concentration. S2 reaches a steady state in time when oxygen is completely depleted.

Optimal synergic effects

As shown by Eq. (3), the S formulas show that S1 ~ [I"]05, with no contribution from oxygen [O2]; whereas S2~ [O2]C requires both C and [O2]. Therefore, resupply of PS or oxygen would improve the generation of ROS, and improve the anti-cancer efficacy via type- II PDT. Figure 3 shows profiles of oxygen and PS concentration, [O2] (red curves] and C (blue curves], for various light intensity of 50, 100, 200 mW/cm2, with external oxygen source P>0, which would improve the type-II efficacy (or S2 function] (Figure 3].
Figure 3: Profiles of oxygen and PS concentration, [OJ (red curves) and C (blue curves), for various light intensity of 50,100, 200 mW/cm2 (for curves in dot, solid and dash).

Eq. (2) and (3) show the following important features for the PDT efficacy defined by the amount of ROS generation. S2 is an increasing function of the light energy (or intensity x time) and its quantum yield (q).
However, it is reduced by the PS concentration depletion (with a quantum yield p). For maximum type-II PDT efficacy one requires the following conditions: large q (or high quantum yield), sufficient oxygen supply during the reaction, with P>0), small A (or small absorption by the nanogold). On the other hand, for high PTT efficacy one requires large temperature increase (dT) which is proportional to the light absorption in the nanogold, or AI0. Therefore, in case-1 using one light to perform both PTT and PDT would require higher light energy (or intensity) comparing to case-2, using two different lights for PTT and PDT, independently without co-absorption, and therefore PTT and PDT can be treated separately. In case-1, the system design is simpler and cost effective. However, the collective effects between PTT and PDT require complex optimization of the concentration of PS and nanogold, besides that the wavelength of the light must match both the absorption peak of PS and nanogold. Greater details requiring numerical solutions of Eq. (3) and (5) will be presented elsewhere.
The synergic effects of PTT and PDT, using two lasers at 808 nm and 660 nm, respectively, and nanogold in C6 gel, was reported by Kim et al. [10]. They reported higher efficacy when conduct PDT prior to PTT than [PTT+PDT]. This sequential-dependent process may be realized by that PTT may cause reduction of the kinetic constant and quantum yield due to increased temperature due to PTT, besides the potential reduction of oxygen supply which is critical in type-II PDT. In addition to the methods presented in this paper, the efficacy of PDT may be further improved significantly via conjugated nanogolds. For example, it was reported by the conjugated spherical nanogold as the delivery agent for 5-ALA resulted in a two times higher cell death rate compared to free 5-ALA [11]. Another example is that the DNA damage caused by PDT as demonstrated by alkaline gel electrophoresis was greater in the methylene blue (MB) plus chitosan-treated group than in control and MB-treated groups [12-13].


Efficacy of cancer therapy may be enhanced by combining PTT and PDT either activated by one light or two lights. For maximum PTT/PDT synergistic efficacy, the concentration of PS and nanogold required optimization, besides the wavelength of the light matching the absorption peak of PS and nanogold, and the order of PTT and PDT process. External supply of either PS or oxygen concentration will significantly improve the anti-cancer efficacy via type-II PDT, which is limited by the generation of ROS, or the depletion of oxygen and/or PS concentration.


This work was supported by the internal grant of New Vision Inc. KT Chen is partially supported by the Ph.D program of Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan.

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Lupine Publishers | The Possibility of Complex Treatment of Optic Nerve Atrophy based on Etiopathogenetic Approach using the New Classification of this Ophthalmopathology

Lupine Publishers | Open Access Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences Abstract Application of treatment, different...